Stories of Freedom
The experiences of our young people are the culmination of years of trauma, systemic oppression, injustice, racism, and demonization. Yet, they are sacred individuals who are imagining and creating a new equitable, restorative, and redemptive world for all of us. We are committed to changing the negative lens through which society so easily views our young people. Together, we can aid in the healing process of their freedom and the restoration of their humanity.
“To me, freedom is a feeling. It is the ability to make a decision and not have to worry about the outcome. Stability is the foundation of freedom in my opinion. Being able to know that you are financially, mentally, and physically stable allows you to live your life as free as you would like with little concerns.”
“Freedom to me is not a physical state. Freedom to me is a mentality, it is where your mind is at complete peace, it is the pursuit to true and pure happiness. Freedom can be mistaken as a right, but to me it is a privilege. In my eyes, freedom is the most important thing that is often taken for granted.”
“What freedom means to me is to be able to live a life without watching over your shoulder. Whether that’s from the government, other gangs, or even a lot of the time, your own head. Today’s culture and society have a big impact on ‘what a man should be.’ Freedom is being able to embrace the decisions you make on a daily basis without being judged or looked at as an outcast because you’re different. Freedom plays a role in my life because as long as there’s injustice or wrongdoings I will always have to fight for my freedom.”