Donation Platforms

We are registered as a 501c3 nonprofit, which means your donation is tax-deductible. You can donate utilizing the platform below or through Zelle. We thank you in advance for your generosity.


How Your Donation Supports Our Young People

The current funding being received will help expand our operational capacity, which in turn will allow us to launch our first social enterprise. As a newly established organization, Fully Liberated Youth intends to build its operational infrastructure by utilizing existing community relationships to obtain state and county contracts. These contracts allow us to grow our client caseloads, which help us empower and resource more young people. This growth requires we add new independent contractors and staff. Your funding will also help us build our operational foundation through fundraising events, volunteer and staff training, collaborative community partnerships, and continuing relationships with former clients.

Through your giving, we hope to launch our first social enterprise, a barbershop, within the near future. We have intentionally chosen this social enterprises because of the gift-sets we know to be true of our young people. Through future social enterprises, more young people will be provided employment opportunities and a space to continue to transform the lives of those in our community.

“My work with the poor and the incarcerated has persuaded me that the opposite of poverty, is not wealth; the opposite of poverty is justice.”

— Bryan Stevenson